Popularized by the 2007 Rob Reiner film, “The Bucket List,” young and old alike have created their own list of things to do before they “kick the bucket.” For Laverne Everett, that list included skydiving and on her 80th birthday, Laverne Everett celebrated in style. Jumping out of a plane for her very first skydiving experience.

Released by her sister months after the event, the video depicting the 80-year-old Laverne Everett almost falling out of her harness has become a viral video sensation. During a May 29, 2012 interview Everett told Matt Lauer that she’s “not sorry I did it.” When Lauer asked Everett if this was a “bucket list thing,” the elderly daredevil acknowledged, “I guess you could call it that.”

The now 81-year-old also told the Today host that she also wants to “go in a race car. That’s probably my next thing.” You can watch the entire interview below.

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Former President George H.W. Bush has celebrated several senior milestones by skydiving. After marking his 85th birthday with a tandem jump, the elder Bush told The Associated Press that he jumped “for two reasons: to experience the exhilaration of free-falling and to show that seniors can remain active and do fun things.”

A naval aviator during World War II, the 41st President of the United States also said, “just because you’re an old guy, you don’t have to sit around drooling in the corner. Get out and do something. Get out and enjoy life.”

Everett and Bush epitomize the phrase “active seniors,” refusing to let their age prevent them from new adventures or exciting experiences, but you don’t need to do something as daring as skydiving to stay in the game of life.

So, take a look at your bucket list or sit down and start one. Maybe you’re more like Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Bucket List” and you really want to repair a relationship with an estranged family member or like Morgan Freeman’s character, you always wanted to visit the Taj Mahal. Whatever your dreams and whatever your age, don’t wait until it is too late. Start checking things off your bucket list today.

When the time comes that you or a family member is no longer able to maintain an independent lifestyle, contact ElderLink to discuss elder care services and options available throughout California.