The hour of rest has finally come! It is the holidays, we believe that means NO REST. We at Elderlink think all work and no play makes mom and dad plus grandma and grandpa a bit less happy and a bit more stressed. We understand, you have your normal standard day, wake, food, relax or nap, lunch, get out to meet with friends and family, dinner TV and bed.
This month that changes, wake, food, prepare for family and start cleaning, start baking goodies as presents or for friends and family, go out shopping, lunch (maybe), more preparation possibly more shopping, more stress, dinner, more anxiety TV with all the holiday shows and music and sleep. Or insomnia thinking about what to buy the grandkids, what to cook, what to wear, and the list goes on….
HINT #1: It’s time to refocus on your thoughts!
Plan out the days and make time to relax and play. Remember you live in California with sunshine 350 days a year. In your hectic schedule consider some time at the beach, in the country, in the mountains with your family, or friends, leave stress aside and learn how to enjoy your holidays with Elderlink hints.
HINT #2: Do Not Overload the Holiday
Plan, which means think ahead, identify the days you will shop, another day to cook and bake, and another day to clean and prepare what to wear. MONDAY Shopping for gifts. Wednesday Shopping for food and start baking those delicious cookies, cakes, a ham or something fun to serve or take to a family gathering.TUESDAY, THURSDAY are your full get ready days and FRIDAY (half of the day, pick a simple and easier project around the house to clean) the second half of the day, do what you do on those days off like going out with friends, go to a family amusement park like the Zoo, or and even at a recreation center, possibly a bike ride, read a good book. Whatever you choose, on your days of rest, play and have fun DO NOT DO WORK OR ANY KIND. ß This was HINT #3 BY THE WAY.
HINT #4:
The risk for many holidaymakers is to overload with activities and to feel frustrated with the idea of not having had time to do everything. In all of the other HINTS, this was the true message. Keep in mind, the holidays are about fun, laughter, excitement, family and friends.
HINT #5:
Read HINTS one throughfour again and from all of us at Elderlink, have a happy and healthy holidayseason.